- Enter and edit puzzles with the mouse and/ or keyboard, load and save them from/ to disk,
- Display the puzzle in varying size (small to full screen),
- Generate random puzzles with different difficulty levels,
- Print a puzzle,
- Help solving puzzles with hints in varying depth
- (showing legal digits, frame fields with only 1, 2 or 3 legal digits, illegal fields, …)
- Undo/ redo function for tried digits
- Accept/ clear "tried" digits
- Support for solving puzzles with "scratch digits" (markers for legal digits in a field)
- Statistic windows
- Help (general help file, status bar, tool tips, etc.)
Sudoko Rax is shareware. If you use the program more than for evaluation I expect you to pay for its use. The price is 6 EURO (US$ 8).